Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pie Pastry

Todd's Aunt Helen remembers her mother, Grandma R. (Mildred) using this recipe for awhile. She tells us that it kept in the fridge for quite some time.

Pie Pastry

5 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 tsp salt
4 tsp brown sugar
Mix in 1 lb shortening (she used lard)

In bottom of cup, put in 1 egg unbeaten. Add 1 tbsp vinegar and enough water to make 3/4 cup liquid.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mashed Potatoes & Turnip

My Mom remembers my Grandma M. (Doris) making this vegetable side dish and serving it with turkey. She would also bake turnips on their own, slit them and add butter, salt and pepper inside.

Mashed Potatoes & Turnip

Bake potatoes and turnip in oven and once done, mash together with butter, salt and pepper.

Baloney & Potato Dinner

This recipe comes from my Grandma M. (Doris). My Mom remembers this being served for many a meal. Enough was made for all eight children plus the two parents.

Baloney & Potato Dinner


Cook first two ingredients together in frying pan. Boil potatoes. Serve.